St. Michael im Lungau, Salzburg 1887 - 1923 Mödling bei Wien
Lidded Jar
Manufactured by Gmundner Keramik, WK model number 309
Pale pottery, black and white glaze
H 15 cm W 8.4 cm D 8.4 cm
Marks: GK, 309/5.
Arlt/Weilinger WV no. 309
Knob professionally renewed
cf. for the form and the décor: Max Eisler, Österreichische Werkkultur, Vienna 1916, ill. p. 152
cf. Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, vol. XL, Darmstadt 1917, ill. p. 169
cf. Exhibition catalogue "Dagobert Peche. 1887 - 1923", MAK, Vienna 1987, ill. p. 61, cat. no. 8
cf. Exhibition catalogue "Die Überwindung der Utilität - Dagobert Peche und die Wiener Werkstätte", ed. by Peter Noever, MAK, Vienna 1998, ill. p. 237, no. 112
cf. Exhibition catalogue "Dagobert Peche and the Wiener Werkstätte", ed. by Peter Noever, Neue Galerie, New York 2002-03, ill. p. 308, cat. no. 146
cf. for the form: Sales catalogue of the Vereinigte Wiener und Gmundner Keramik, World Exhibition Gent 1913, sheet XII, W 309
cf. Thomas Arlt and Arthur Weilinger, Wiener Keramik. Bertold Löffler Michael Powolny, catalogue raisonnè, Vienna 2018, ill. p. 71 and ill. p. 332, WV no. 309