München 1871 - 1958 unknown
Vase for the Paris World Exhibition
Manufactured by Johann Lötz Witwe, Klostermühle
White-yellow opal underlayering, colourless covering layer, spun with
silver-yellow, wavily combed threads, on the top coloured salmon, below dark brown marbled appliqués, iricised
Form and décor: Franz Hofstötter
Décor: phänomen Gre 358
H 32 cm
Mark: Loetz Austria
Small chip on the base professionally restored
cf. for the form: Helmut Ricke [et al.], Lötz: Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940.
Vol. 2: Katalog der Musterschnitte, Munich 1989, ill. p. 90, no 358
cf. for the form and décor: Ernst Ploil, Lötz auf der Weltausstellung Paris 1900, Vienna 1993, ill. p. 109
cf. for the décor: Jan Mergl, Ernst Ploil and Helmut Ricke, Lötz. Böhmisches Glas 1880 bis 1940, Ostfildern-Ruit 2003, ill. p. 300, no B 87