Christian Ludwig Attersee
Bratislava 1940Born in 1940 in Bratislava (formerly Pressburg), Slovakia, Christian Ludwig Attersee moved to Austria in 1944; today he lives in Vienna and in Semmering in Lower Austria. Attersee spent his youth in Aschach near Linz and on the Attersee in Upper Austria. He was one of Austria’s great sailing sportsmen – hence the pseudonym Attersee. He has made a name for himself not only as a sailor and visual artist, but also as a musician, writer, object maker, designer, stage designer and filmmaker.
Yet Attersee is mainly seen as one of the most important representatives of European representational painting of the last 40 years; more than 500 solo exhibitions in many countries of Europe and in the USA reflect the accomplishments of this artist. Early exhibitions from the mid-1960s bring success, as well as friendship and collaboration with such artists as Günter Brus, Gotthard Graubner, Jörg Immendorff, Markus Lüpertz, Hermann Nitsch, Walter Pichler, Dieter Roth, Gerhard Rühm and Oswald Wiener, among others.
Since Attersee’s first object inventions (1964-66) in the fields of eroticism and everyday life, he has been seen as an independent artist who helped shape European Pop Art. He is the great maverick of Austrian art of the 1960s, especially as the antithesis of Viennese Actionism. In the second half of the 1970s Attersee is a founding member of ‘New Austrian Painting’.
Tulip Regatta 1972
Swallow Gate 1989
Carmen Smokes 1976
"Weisser Mittag" 2005
"Abendmuse" 2005
"Nachttische" 2005
"So lieb ich dich, Ei und Ziegel" 1981
„Feuchtensonntag“ 2015
"Wenn Jumbos sich um Schinken streiten" 1968
"Fingersandwichtapete" 1968
"Schwuchtelbild mit Beere (Zeki Müren Nr. 2)" 1970
"Beuge vor Suppe und Blut (Verbeugung vor den Suppensäulen)" 1975/76
"Zungen- und Daumensteindiptychon" 1975
"Das Kniebad der Tellerrandbaronesse" 1974/75
"Abendbeere" 1978
"Antwort mit Fleischstück" 1978
"Wettergegner" 1978
"Nachbarschaft" 1976
"Knabe wurmt Unendliches" 1979
"Schattenlecker" 1978
"Am Schuh des Gnu" 1978
"Das Brezelmesser" 1975
"Besteint und belacht" 1979
"Draufgefletscht" 1977
Ohrmuschelschale, Tulpenschmuck in Schweinchenform, Schinkenhöschen, Schöne Paare, Kätzchenstelze, Schamhaarlockenwicklerbild, Vier Beiträge zur klassischen Schönheit, Ein ungemein gutes Beispiel für zwei im Meer treibende Würstel, Rückenschmuck für Schwäne und Foxel 1970
"Happen" 1967
Champagnerball-Fächer "Trinker" 1986
"Zungenwurst-Rundum" 1977
"Passepartout für eine Einladung zu Hasenbraten" 1974
"Mäuserich beim Mädchenstein" 1978
"Tod und Arbeit" 1977
"Flohschlingen" 1978
"Servierbuch" 1978
"Besteck" 1975
"Vogelfleisch" 1977
"Zierpflock" 1981
"Ich erwarte das Regenstück" 1981
"Mozart" 1985
„Zierrechnung“ 1984
"Tanzstellung mit Bauchtakelage" 1972
"Der Mondkuss" 1977