• Standing Lady with Fur
  • Standing Lady with Fur

Eduard Klablena

Bucany 1881 - 1933 Langenzersdorf

Standing Lady with Fur

Manufactured by Langenzersdorfer Keramik, WW model number 742, EK model number 80

Pale pottery, polychrome glaze

H 36 cm

Marks: AUSTRIA LANG/ENZERS/DORF, original company label, another label


cf. WW-Archives, MAK Vienna, Model Collection KI 7899-40 and Ceramics Collection WI 1260
cf. Exhibition catalogue "Winterausstellung österreichischer Kunstgewerbe", K.k. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie, Vienna 1913-14, cat. no. 543
cf. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, year XVI, 1913, ill. p. 626
cf. Rupert Feuchtmüller und Wilhelm Mrazek, Kunst in Österreich 1860-1918, Vienna 1964, colour plate XVII
cf. Exhibition catalogue "Wien um 1900", Cultural Office of the City of Vienna 1964, cat. no. 684
cf. Waltraud Neuwirth, Österreichische Keramik des Jugendstils, Vienna and Munich 1974, ill. p. 19 and p. 261, no. 142
cf. Exhibition catalogue "Viena 1900", Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid 1993-94, ill. p. 345, cat. no. 244